There has to be more to life than this: Harnessing the power of possibilities

Imagine if you could take your personal power into the world out there, where we relate to other people and our surroundings. In other words if we start to believe we can accomplish anything.

But how do we do that? How do we go beyond our old conditioning and beliefs that are based on a feeling that we all have had at some point in our lives. The feeling that there has to be more to life than this.

We blame the world for our problems. We complain about politics culture, family, work, and the challenges all around us. Yet we feel powerless to make a change.  Overwhelmed by the state of the world we ask, what difference can I really make?  What if in truth we don't really know ourselves or what we are capable of!

If you take a closer look, we shrink our lives all the time because we look at every situation in our lives with a self belief that we have limited power to change things. It is sad if you stop asking the most of your life just because you assume it has nothing more to give.

If you only know yourself as being small, isolated and limited then that vision defines your limitations.  It limits you not only as a person but also constraints the possibilities your conscious holds. 

The greatest music is composed from the same handful of notes as a nursery rhyme. Everything depends on how much potential you see in that handful of notes and an empowering lesson emerges from this.

You are not a small person trying to grow and expand. You are a powerful limitless consciousness that has been convinced by the illusion that you are a small person. 

So the answer is to remind yourself as often as you can by having inspiring experiences. Whether from great art or music to watching the innocent play of children, or sitting alone and reading .

On a daily basis, take a moment, or many moments, to center yourself and knowingly rest in the place where you're calm, still, and unaffected by your situation. Consciously breathe slowly and see from that still silent place that consciousness generates your power.
Your personal reality. Let the infinite possibilities happen in that moment. 


Excerpts from Deepak Chopra meditation series.

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